
  • June 08, 2020

    That Will Never Work: Book Review

    At an industry event in Florida, I had a chance to hear and meet Marc Randolph. In his presentation and his book, he walked through the Netflix startup journey, from idea to going public. There were many key players in making Netflix a success and he shares the credit. Aside from the story, he shares […]

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  • June 03, 2020

    Tracking User Passwords

    Tracking User Passwords It’s been a long time since this came up, but with all the remote access changes in the last few weeks, the topic of who knows the users’ passwords has come back to the top of our clients’ minds. We don’t track your users’ passwords. We never have, we don’t now, and […]

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  • May 27, 2020

    Changing Employers – Tax Rules

    When helping some clients with yearend W-2’s, there were problems with the FICA reporting. As we dug in, turns out that when the employee joined the company, they were close to the FICA limit and didn’t want to exceed it, so the employer agreed to consider previous FICA contributions and only take the difference through […]

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  • May 13, 2020

    Living with a Navy SEAL: Book Review

    Living with a Navy SEAL by Jesse Itzler I’ll say this—Jesse Itzler is out there! Who would invite a Navy SEAL into their home to train for a month? Someone you don’t know, never met. This is the story of a Navy SEAL and Jesse, man to man, pushing their physical limits, but the language […]

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  • May 06, 2020

    Bank Fraud—We’re Seeing an Uptick

    In late December and early January, we heard from several clients whose businesses were victims of bank fraud. With so many in such a short time, it feels like there’s a renewed effort by hackers. Their banks recommend Positive Pay, and we wholeheartedly agree. Basically, you upload a file to the bank after each check […]

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  • April 30, 2020

    W-4 Form and I-9 Changes in 2020

    W-4 Form Changes in 2020 In early 2020, we reported that S100C v22.3.30 has a new W-4 Information tab to accommodate the new W-4 form for 2020. Rolling this out to new employees will be tricky, to say the least. Then we had some pretty typical year-end requests to adjust Federal withholding for key staff […]

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  • April 22, 2020

    3 Ways to Prevent Confidential Data Leaks

    3 Ways to Prevent Your Employees From Leaking Confidential Information A lot of businesses need to come to terms with the fact that their employees are their greatest IT risk. As a business owner, you may be aware of cyber-threats to your business, but your employees might not be. They might not know about the […]

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  • April 19, 2020

    Q&A – Booking, PPP, Tracking Costs

    We are receiving lots of questions about how to enter PPP funds and how to track the qualifying costs. So much is changing, so fast! Join Cathy and Mary as we talk through what we know so far and make some recommendations based on our many years of experience. No slides, no preaching – just […]

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  • April 09, 2020

    Q&A Panel with Syscon’s Senior Team

    Syscon’s Senior Team covers everything you need to know about the Coronavirus in this webinar. Topics include IT and working remotely, trends in field hours, the latest on the PPP and CARES Acts, and some helpful information for leading your team in these chaotic times. We also discuss Sage’s official recommendation for how to track […]

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  • April 08, 2020

    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    Atomic Habits by James Clear The story of James Clear is fascinating; a freak accident during a high school baseball game left him in a coma on life support. Miraculously, he survived, but was then faced with quality of life limitations. Motor skills had to be re-learned; the recovery road was very long. Knowing the […]

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