
  • April 08, 2020

    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    Atomic Habits by James Clear The story of James Clear is fascinating; a freak accident during a high school baseball game left him in a coma on life support. Miraculously, he survived, but was then faced with quality of life limitations. Motor skills had to be re-learned; the recovery road was very long. Knowing the […]

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  • March 25, 2020

    Millennials Matter by Danita Bye

    Millennials Matter by Danita Bye Danita Bye held a breakout session at the C12 Currents event in GA this past May. Her background is in training sales people for success. In more recent years, she has turned her attention to training and mentoring Millennials in the work place. Many of the stereotypes associated with the […]

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  • January 23, 2020

    Rise and Grind by Daymond John; Book Review

    Rise and Grind by Daymond John I was feeling a little beat up when I started this book; so glad I dug in anyway! The day-in and day-out effort seems unappreciated sometimes, like it’s all for naught! In this book, I was reminded of the power of rising every day and grinding it out with […]

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  • January 09, 2020

    The Five Attributes: Essentials of Hiring; Book Review

    The Five Attributes: Essentials of Hiring; Book Review I heard Chad Carter speak at the C12 Currents event in Atlanta, GA in May. The topic was hiring, which seems to be THE hot topic at every event and webinar I attend! Mr. Carter’s career has been focused on hiring; getting the right person in the […]

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  • December 11, 2019

    Christians in the Age of Outrage – Ed Stetzer

    Christians in the Age of Outrage, by Ed Stetzer The title of this book is definitely intriguing, but what really got me to buy it was listening to Ed Stetzer at the C12 event in Georgia. He is an excellent speaker, passionate about statistics, and on a mission to help us “bring our best when […]

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  • October 30, 2019

    How To Get Anything You Want; Book Review

    How To Get Anything You Want by Nido Qubein I had a chance to hear Mr. Qubein speak at an industry event. I was moved by his presentation, and even found myself leading some moments of audience clapping in response to his comments. I also ended up in the elevator with him as he was […]

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  • October 17, 2019

    Question Behind the Question, a Book Review

    QBQ! By John G Miller When it comes to personal accountability, Mr. Miller believes we can make better choices. He starts with a great story about a young waiter, Jacob Miller, who found an interesting way to accommodate his customer’s request. When faced with a problem, we have choices as to how we respond. The […]

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  • August 22, 2019

    Giftology by John Ruhlin

    I had a chance to hear John Ruhlin speak at an industry event. He has a great personal story and clearly loves story-telling. His focus was on the art of giving and how it can be used in Marketing and Sales. Then he took it to another level; What if gifting was a way of […]

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  • June 26, 2019

    The Power of the Other by Dr. Henry Cloud

    Dr. Cloud starts this book with a neglected truth. To get more out of life, each of us needs to improve ourselves, our self-discipline, our commitments; but there’s more to the formula. Ask anyone who’s really ‘made it’ or been interviewed about their success, and there’s always someone who helped make it possible. Many people […]

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  • April 24, 2019

    Disney U by Doug Lipp

    I had an opportunity to hear Doug Lipp speak at an industry event. He has passion for his topic, and was ready to give us some specific take-aways to bring back to our businesses. What I remember the best is his statement, ‘Snow White Never Has a Bad Day.’ How do you pull that off? […]

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