
  • June 22, 2022

    Book Review: The Ideal Team Player

    Book Review: The Ideal Team Player Bob Herrold, one of our techs (RIP), was at a Global Leadership Summit providing IT Support for our client who was a local Host site. He knew I liked this author and purchased the book as a gift to me; very thoughtful. In Lencioni-style, it’s a story of a […]

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  • May 11, 2022

    Book Review: Great by Choice

    Book Review: Great by Choice When asked if the authors were more or less optimistic after this research study, they said ‘this study shows that whether we prevail or fail, endure or die, depends more upon what we do than on what the world does to us.’ How encouraging, and sobering; we can and should […]

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  • April 12, 2022

    How the Mighty Fall: Book Review

    How the Mighty Fall: Book Review Jim Collins refers to this as his ‘dark book.’ His previous books share research as to how companies excel and grow, becoming or succeeding at being great. This research was focused on companies who ‘fell’ and the five (5) stages of decline as identified from the research. One of […]

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  • February 16, 2022

    The Microsoft Story; Book Review

    The Microsoft Story; Book Review The subtitle to this book is ‘How the Tech Giant Rebooted Its Culture, Upgraded Its Strategy, and Found Success in the Cloud.’ That’s not how I’d describe this book. It definitely gives the timeline and history. Many of the facts are very interesting and the timeline is really amazing. When […]

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  • December 20, 2021

    Book Review: Principles

    Book Review: Principles The book is broken into three sections, almost three different books: Where I’m Coming From; Life Principles; Work Principles; Conclusion. The opening is about Ray Dalio and how he found his career passion, his journey to find and lead a team, and ultimately the growth of Bridgewater Associates. The primary focus is […]

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  • November 17, 2021

    Book Review: Built to Last

    Book Review: Built to Last When it comes to successful companies, what makes them tick year after year? Why does one company languish, either losing their lead or never achieving the same heights as their competitor? This team set out to find the successful habits and share their findings with all of us. The book […]

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  • August 25, 2021

    Surviving the Business Storm Cycle: Book Review

    Surviving the Business Storm Cycle: Book Review Things get so busy you can barely keep up (dodgeball), then things slow down (baseball), and you wonder what you did wrong. There were many nice summaries of the business cycle, very clearly stated and with examples. Mr. Hopson describes this cycle as the Tornado, where you have […]

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  • August 11, 2021

    Fewer, Richer, Greener: Book Review

    Fewer, Richer, Greener by Laurence Siegel Our earth has problems and we haven’t been the best of stewards all the time. We’ve made progress in taking care of our earth and its resources, but there’s more to do, pressing problems that need attention and solutions. Having said that, we have a lot to be thankful […]

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  • August 04, 2021

    Mission Drift: Book Review

    Mission Drift: Book Review Although this book is focused on the Mission of non-profit organizations, specifically those grounded in Christian principles, there is a direct line to any business. Who are you? What do you stand for? How do you maintain that focus, now and in the future? In addition, many business owners are also […]

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  • June 30, 2021

    Book Review: Conscious Capitalism

    Book Review: Conscious Capitalism I love the opening—a young man, living in a commune, believing business is the enemy. Seeking to change the world, John Mackey and his friend decide to open a store focused on healthy food and a higher purpose. Then they found themselves in a difficult spot. As the business started taking […]

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