
  • December 26, 2019

    Happy New Year from Us to You

    We’re so thankful that we have the opportunity to work with you. We extend our Holiday Greetings and wish you, your family, your staff, and their families a Happy New Year!

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  • December 19, 2019

    Last Call – Say Goodbye to Windows 7 and Server 2008

    There are only a few short weeks left before Microsoft shuts the door on these two popular Operating Systems. Windows 7 and Server 2008 have been retired for quite some time, but as of January 14, 2020, Microsoft is drawing a line in the sand; no more updates for either of these products. Will the […]

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  • December 11, 2019

    Christians in the Age of Outrage – Ed Stetzer

    Christians in the Age of Outrage, by Ed Stetzer The title of this book is definitely intriguing, but what really got me to buy it was listening to Ed Stetzer at the C12 event in Georgia. He is an excellent speaker, passionate about statistics, and on a mission to help us “bring our best when […]

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  • December 04, 2019

    Don’t Be Tricked – A Robo Call Scam

    Don’t Be Tricked – A Robo Call Scam We make a point of sharing any scams we hear about so you can avoid them, then warn your staff, family, and friends. Here’s one to add to the list. We got a call from “Microsoft.” It was a robo call, an automated call with an automated […]

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  • November 26, 2019

    Love-Hate Relationship With My Computer

    Do you have a love/hate relationship with your computer? I know I do! Sometimes equipment just doesn’t do what you need it to. I learned a long time ago that I should get a tech’s help sooner rather than later. So how do you know when to try a few things, and when to pick […]

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  • November 20, 2019

    3 IT Investments You Should Never Skimp On

    3 IT Investments You Should Never Skimp On What is standing between your business’s data and hackers a world away? What’s your plan when your on-site server fails? When you skimp on technology and IT solutions for your business, the answers to these two questions are simple: 1) There is nothing standing between your business’s […]

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  • November 15, 2019

    A Voicemail Scam Through Email

    A Voicemail Scam To Watch Out For Just this week, I got two voicemail messages in my email, what’s referred to as  ‘wave’ files that you can listen to. The first one got me to open the email. It said the message was sent by my audio message system, and it had the date the […]

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  • November 07, 2019

    What to Expect When We Have Scheduled IT Work

    We often schedule specific times to work on your computers. We might have time set aside to troubleshoot an issue, upgrade software, or setup new equipment, for example. Based on our relationship with you and our experience with the task at hand, we estimate about how long we’ll need, then we schedule that time block […]

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  • October 30, 2019

    How To Get Anything You Want; Book Review

    How To Get Anything You Want by Nido Qubein I had a chance to hear Mr. Qubein speak at an industry event. I was moved by his presentation, and even found myself leading some moments of audience clapping in response to his comments. I also ended up in the elevator with him as he was […]

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  • October 24, 2019

    Top Tips to Protect Against Social Engineering Attacks

    Every year, millions of attacks are successfully carried out against businesses like yours. It’s important to know what you’re up against and how to protect yourself. The most common social engineering tactic is phishing, often coupled with a strategy of pretexting. By gaining the trust of the victim, hackers are able to lure them into […]

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