
  • November 22, 2016

    Cabling – New, Faster Protocol for EXISTING Cat 5e, Cat 6

    The cabling in your walls is ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ but greatly impacts the speed of information traveling over your network – data, internet, wireless traffic.  You might be familiar with Cat 5, Cat 5e, and Cat 6 cable sizes – did you know there are Cat 6a, and 7?  How to keep […]

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  • November 16, 2016

    Mobile devices for your field personnel Managing, tracking, maximizing

    There are several key components in managing mobile devices, keeping track of them and maximizing the investment. Data Packages and internet Access. When you set up these devices, be sure to have a company gmail or icloud account to log into the device for management and access.

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  • November 15, 2016

    Mobile Devices for your Field Personnel Part II: Managing, Tracking, Maximizing!

    In our Part I article, we discussed the different types of devices, and the pro’s and con’s within each group.  We also reviewed internet access requirements, data plans, and made suggestions regarding cases.  Now for the second part – managing these devices, keeping track of them, and maximizing the investment! Data Packages and Internet Access […]

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  • November 11, 2016

    Does Sage 100 Contractor v19 Let Me Enter OT for Salaried Staff?

    Yes! There’s no need to upgrade to version 20 (and we don’t recommend upgrading until mid-Q1 2017). The salaried employee(s) can stay exactly as you have them now, using the Salary field for their weekly pay. In their 5-2-1 screen, add a rate for overtime work. When you create the 5-2-2 Pay Record, allow the […]

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  • November 11, 2016

    How Do I Get a Backlog Report to Give to the Bank?

    Use the Job Status field in the 3-5 Job Screen. This is a lot easier (and more accurate) than keeping a spreadsheet. When a contract is committed, create the job in the 3-5 screen (instead of putting it in a spreadsheet), and use the status 3-Contract. This indicates you have the work but you are […]

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  • October 21, 2016

    Wonder why you have a different withholding amount for someone?

    I was checking an employee’s accrued vacation (we use Sage 100 Contractor in-house, version right now), and when I was done, I hit ‘Escape’ to leave the screen – I hadn’t changed anything. I received the message that my changes were not saved, click ‘Yes’ to Save, ‘No’ to leave without changing, and ‘Cancel’ […]

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  • October 14, 2016

    HoloLens: Your New Reality?

    A game designer sees a moving 3-D image of a living, breathing, mace-wielding ogre – on her desk. She flicks a finger and he turns from side to side, giving her a full view of his outfit and weapons belt. An architect looks up at the ceiling in a building he’s just designed. He waves […]

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  • October 14, 2016

    Could One Tiny Leak Wipe Out Your Entire Company?

    Things were going great at Michael Daugherty’s up-and-coming $4 million medical-testing company. He was a happy man. He ran a good business in a nice place. His Atlanta-based LabMD had about 30 employees and tested blood, urine and tissue samples for urologists. Life was good for this middle-aged businessman from Detroit. Then, one Tuesday afternoon […]

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  • September 30, 2016

    Dealing With The Dark Side Of Social Media

    Social media has become a true amplifier, permeating every nook and cranny of the web, giving a megaphone to those who might have previously found themselves voiceless. While I generally believe that the proliferation of the social web is a good thing, it does have a dark side that is difficult, if not impossible, to […]

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  • September 13, 2016

    Mobile Devices For Your Field Personnel, Part One: Which Devices?

    You turn on the TV or look at the online ads and it looks so easy.  The person just opens their device – Surface, tablet, cell phone, etc. – and starts working with a smile on their face; if it were only that easy!  I still remember a call just a few years ago from […]

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