
  • October 13, 2019

    Evite Data Breach and Your Info

    Several family and friends love to use Evite for their party invitations. It’s convenient and works well. Since I reply to these invitations, it seems I’m on their mailing list. On June 12th, I received an email from Evite about a data breach. It seems they noticed unauthorized access on April 15th (two months earlier) […]

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  • October 03, 2019

    Tips and Tricks; Sage 100 Contractor Users

    Why do some note pads take forever to save and close? How do I know what version I’m running or what modules I have? How do I select a job/client/employee in a print screen without having to look up the number first? Saving the Note Pad Takes Forever: Here’s a simple ‘fix’ for a lingering […]

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  • September 29, 2019

    Microsoft As An IT Provider? What’s Your Time Worth?

    We were visiting a prospect, performing a Network Review, and the owner said he had been using Microsoft as his outside IT support. He’d found a good guy who was willing to help, although not always available. Call wait-times can be incredibly long, and not all IT-related problems have anything to do with the Microsoft […]

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  • September 24, 2019

    Sage 100 Contractor v22 – Upgrade Now or Later?

    Should you upgrade Sage 100 Contractor to version 22 now or later? Sage 100 Contractor version 22 came out in June 2019. There are some great new features. And, if you have W-2 staff in Massachusetts, you’ll want to get educated and you may need the new Pay Type in version 22. We also have […]

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  • September 18, 2019

    Capital One Security Breach – Human Error

    You probably heard this in the news; in July 2019, Capital One had a security breach. This was one of the largest data breaches in US history, 106 million accounts over 14 years; 140K SS #’s, 80K bank account #’s, according to an August 9th article by Spencer Israel for Benzinga. Next was Equifax in […]

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  • September 16, 2019

    New MA Tax; Begins Oct 1st, 2019

    Greetings – there’s a lot of info here. If you have employees in Massachusetts, you need to grab your favorite drink and read this through. If not, count your blessings! Hopefully you’ve been following the news on this one. If not, you’re in for a shock. If you’ve been following along, then time is short […]

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  • September 12, 2019

    Replacing End-of-life Server 2008 Operating System

    We have a number of Construction clients with servers that need to be replaced before the January 2020 end-of-life deadline from Microsoft. Just to bring you up-to-speed, any server running 2008 OS, or any SBS server needs to be replaced. Microsoft has already retired these products and as of January, they won’t provide any security […]

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  • September 06, 2019

    Gift Cards Anyone? A ‘Good’ Email Scam

    Two Really ‘Good’ Phishing Email Scams Our bookkeeper received an email that looked like it was from me. It was from Catherine Wendt and the email address was It said I was thinking about an Employee Incentive program and I’d like to ‘spring some surprises and put a smile on some faces today.’ Then I […]

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  • August 22, 2019

    Giftology by John Ruhlin

    I had a chance to hear John Ruhlin speak at an industry event. He has a great personal story and clearly loves story-telling. His focus was on the art of giving and how it can be used in Marketing and Sales. Then he took it to another level; What if gifting was a way of […]

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  • August 08, 2019

    Technology and Lead (Pb) – Is One Like the Other?

    Our use of technology isn’t just sitting down at a computer; it permeates our entire day, every day, from your morning alarm on your phone all the way to the end of the day. Even when we’re on the road, we’re focused on where we can plug or recharge our devices so we can stay […]

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