
  • August 04, 2021

    Mission Drift: Book Review

    Mission Drift: Book Review Although this book is focused on the Mission of non-profit organizations, specifically those grounded in Christian principles, there is a direct line to any business. Who are you? What do you stand for? How do you maintain that focus, now and in the future? In addition, many business owners are also […]

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  • July 28, 2021

    Servers and Hosting – Part I

    Servers and Hosting – Part I I remember when computers were new in construction offices and were considered ‘expensive paper weights’ by most owners. Then came servers, tape backups, and network gear; then the internet at every computer; then virtual servers and off-site backups. Eventually construction owners wanted remote access, so Citrix and Terminal Server […]

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  • July 21, 2021

    Workers Comp – How to Calculate

    Workers Comp – How to Calculate In the last two months, I’ve received several calls on this one, so I thought there might be others out there with similar questions. The software process and workflow is quite elegant and very useful. The overall idea is that you estimate your total gross payroll, by comp code […]

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  • July 14, 2021

    MS Office: What’s Changed?

    MS Office: What’s Changed? For as long as I can remember, when you ordered a computer, you purchased Office. Everyone needs this basic tool kit, which includes Word, Excel, Power Point, and so on. Then, Microsoft would come out with new releases every few years and one of the older years’ versions would be ‘end […]

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  • June 30, 2021

    What’s a Budget Anyway?

    What’s a Budget Anyway? This is a regular discussion point when we’re on calls with our clients. Your customers have budgets to do their projects, you have budgets to get the work done and make some money, so how does this play out in Sage 100 Contractor? Why is this important? You probably have a […]

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  • June 30, 2021

    Book Review: Conscious Capitalism

    Book Review: Conscious Capitalism I love the opening—a young man, living in a commune, believing business is the enemy. Seeking to change the world, John Mackey and his friend decide to open a store focused on healthy food and a higher purpose. Then they found themselves in a difficult spot. As the business started taking […]

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  • June 23, 2021

    Spring Cleaning: Tech Style

    Spring Cleaning, Tech-Style Many of us have spring cleaning routines; wash the screens, mulch the flower/tree beds, pack up the winter clothes and pull out the Spring/Summer items; clean up the garage; and on it goes. When it comes to our computers, Spring and summer is a good time to  do some cleaning, as well. […]

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  • June 16, 2021

    4 Tech Updates

    Several Updates Just for You Microsoft Edge—The legacy software, the one with the blue-only icon, is end of support March 21st, 2021. If you use this product, be sure you’re using the blue/green logo version. It’s a small nuance, but worth checking out or you’re going to have quite a surprise. Hot Spots, Printing—Many of […]

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  • June 09, 2021

    COVID and Cybercrime

    Cybercrime reports increased 300% during the pandemic, according to the FBI Cyber Division. Pre-COVID-19, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received about 1,000 complaints per day. After COVID hit, IC3 receives 3,000 to 4,000 daily, according to FBI Cyber Division Deputy Assistant Director Tonya Ugoretz. Ugoretz described a ‘collision’ between an increase in cyber […]

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  • May 26, 2021

    Password Policies and Fun Dinosaurs

    Changing Your Password In The Hosted Environment Our password policy has been published and shared with all our clients, and we continue to share it. We recommend that our clients enforce a minimum of 8 characters with a combination of upper and lower case letters, at least one number, and at least one special character […]

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