Book Review: Built to Last When it comes to successful companies, what makes them tick year after year? Why does one company languish, either losing their lead or never achieving the same heights as their competitor? This team set out to find the successful habits and share their findings with all of us. The book […]
Full Article.....M365 – Archives & Backups In the past, when you archived some of your email, it created a separate folder on your computer (which is not backed up with regular mail, BTW). The only access to these archives was on that specific computer. In Microsoft 365, you can also archive email, but those archives are […]
Full Article.....S100C – Some Tips Copy-Paste from Excel Many things can be copied from Excel into various grids in Sage 100 Contractor. However, the original Excel data needs to be clean. If you have formatted with dollar signs, the copied numbers will fail. If you have special characters in descriptions, the data will fail and may […]
Full Article.....More Scams – Surprised? Larry recently received an email with an interesting twist on a phishing attempt. The email Subject line says ‘Update for your recent purchase.’ The email looks like a normal purchase order from PayPal, complete with PayPal logo, order date, delivery date, transaction number, order confirmation number, and a phone number to […]
Full Article.....S100C – Tune-Up and Invoicing Run the Tune Up!—Sage 100 Contractor is a database. There is a built-in process to run a Tune Up each evening. For it to run, everyone has to be logged out of the software. When we get a call about performance issues, this is where we start and we often […]
Full Article.....Drop Box, Zoom, Slack – Alternatives Many of our clients have been using a combination of services to meet their needs. The most common data need we hear about is sharing documents with field crew leaders, Project Managers working remotely, and pulling up documents when on the job site. To meet these needs, companies have […]
Full Article.....When I hear this one, it usually means there’s a delay in entering important data. When one or more data entry areas get behind, it creates a cascade of problems, making it almost impossible to check the status of your jobs. Let’s start with billing—when billing is entered in Excel or Word documents, it has […]
Full Article.....We’ve always provided hardware. If you purchase these items through us, we don’t charge for our time to spec-out the equipment. Some of our clients purchase hardware on their own, or pay us for the time to write the specs and order on their own. If you choose to purchase computers directly from the manufacturer, […]
Full Article.....T&M Billing The T&M Billing module in Sage 100 Contractor is really nice. This takes job cost records and allows you to apply specific rules, by job, to generate detailed T&M invoices. This can be a great time-saver while making the invoices accurate, matching the terms of your contract. Before I share a few details, […]
Full Article.....Cyber Insurance – Ouch! I recently sat in on an industry-specific presentation about Cyber Insurance. We get a lot of questions about this, and the presenter was with the insurance company! Thought I’d share some info. According to CHUB, Small Businesses under $25 million in revenue are THE target and ransomware was the top Cyber […]
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