
  • July 28, 2022

    Holiday Pay and Unions: Tracking

    The rules to track and pay vacation time vary greatly across the U.S. For some, Holiday pay is mandatory in the bargaining agreement. For others, the company pays its key Foreman as an additional benefit. Some of the most common questions we get involve ‘missing’ hours and pay on a union report due to how […]

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  • July 21, 2022

    Our 2022 Focus

    As I look at the opportunities and challenges facing our team in the coming year, I have a couple of things to share with you. Some of them might echo with what you’re facing, as well. Each year since 2008 we’ve had a company-wide theme and this year is no exception. We chose ‘Streamlined, Standardized, […]

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  • July 15, 2022

    Book Review: The 5 Levels of Leadership

    I found this book exciting, irritating, frustrating, and encouraging as I read through the chapters. It seems that leadership is not a linear journey. You can be at different levels in different circumstances, all at the same moment in time.  You might be new to a charity board while at the same time have many […]

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  • June 22, 2022

    S100C Tips – Important

    There are a couple of topics and themes in S100C that came up often, so I thought I’d share them with you. Funeral Pay and other Non-Standard Pay—I wasn’t expecting this one, but it came up in many breakout sessions. You can use the Absence field in the 5-2-2 screen to track non-standard paid time […]

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  • June 22, 2022

    Book Review: The Ideal Team Player

    Book Review: The Ideal Team Player Bob Herrold, one of our techs (RIP), was at a Global Leadership Summit providing IT Support for our client who was a local Host site. He knew I liked this author and purchased the book as a gift to me; very thoughtful. In Lencioni-style, it’s a story of a […]

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  • June 15, 2022

    Posting Period vs Quarter Dates

    Seems like I’m getting more questions about this lately. In payroll, the government wants to know when a paycheck is negotiable, and that’s the date of the check, which drives the quarterly reports. They don’t care when the work was performed. Income statements are by Posting Periods which don’t have to match the date, although […]

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  • June 08, 2022

    The Azure Change – Part II

    Let’s recap Part I from last week. We are at a moment in time when there is a palpable shift in technology. We’ve seen several of these during our 35 years in business, and we’re in one right now. We’re moving from a central server for all company data and programs to an on-demand, file […]

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  • June 03, 2022

    The Azure Change – Part I

    The Azure Change – Part I I’ve mentioned in some previous articles and videos that there is a significant shift happening in business computer services. Our industry evolves at a hectic pace, but there are moments in time when there are significant shifts that impact our clients at a foundational level. We put together a […]

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  • May 11, 2022

    Book Review: Great by Choice

    Book Review: Great by Choice When asked if the authors were more or less optimistic after this research study, they said ‘this study shows that whether we prevail or fail, endure or die, depends more upon what we do than on what the world does to us.’ How encouraging, and sobering; we can and should […]

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  • May 11, 2022

    Tracking Certificates of Insurance

    Tracking Certificates of Insurance I can’t think of any of our contractor clients who don’t have to deal with Certificates of Insurance. A certificate of insurance is proof of insurance, what type, and when it expires.  It’s our responsibility to track these expirations and receive updated certificates before any additional payments are made. Then during […]

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