
  • December 15, 2017

    Hyper Sales Growth by Jack Daly

    I had the opportunity to see and hear Jack Daly at an event in Nashville. This man has a TON of energy and clearly loves his topic and what he does!  His presentation was slotted for the whole morning, two back-to-back sessions. We just couldn’t get enough. His qualifications and stories were amazing. Most sales […]

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  • December 09, 2017

    Guarding Against Fraud in the Workplace

     In the November 2017 C12 Business Group materials, they tackled the touchy subject of fraud in the work place, especially for a small to medium sized business. They shared some interesting statistics and some interesting information about how owners address, and in some cases avoid, these issues. First of all, they found that many […]

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  • December 05, 2017

    Installing Sage 100 Contractor version 20: Info Your Tech Needs

    For many of our clients, we take care of their server or hosting, as well as their Sage 100 Contractor support.  Others have a different IT Company, or host with a different company, and we’re happy to partner with these vendors. For years, our computer people have installed the next S100C update to the server, […]

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  • November 30, 2017

    Bank Websites, Trusteer Software, and the Truth About AV

    When I log on to our bank’s website, or we’re troubleshooting with you, we often see the invitation to install the Trusteer software. The bank log on screens strongly encourage you to install it. So what do the Techs have to say about it? Don’t install it! This program uses quite a bit of computer […]

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  • November 29, 2017

    Migrating Sage 100 Contractor Archive Data to version 20

    We’ve migrated dozens and dozens of datasets in the last 12 months, moving them from version 19 to version 20. There are a LOT of steps. For those of you who have been on the program for more than 3 or 4 years, we’ve found several road blocks; things like fields that didn’t exist in […]

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  • November 24, 2017

    Data Encryption: A Lesson From The Recent Past

    In today’s world of rampant cybercrime, every savvy business owner knows the necessity of locking down their data. However, we find that the cyber security technologies used by the vast majority of businesses are woefully out of date. Sure, your recent solution may have worked great, but digital threats to the safety of your company […]

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  • November 10, 2017

    Secret Chips in Cell Phone Spare Parts

    There’s a growing trend – small cell phone repair shops are springing up all over. They usually provide repairs for cracked screens and other fixes, often at a lower cost and with a quicker turn-around than the manufacturers. Some unsavory characters have invaded this market. Some replacement parts have been compromised with secret hardware. The […]

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  • November 10, 2017

    The Coaching Habit; Recommended Book

    This book by Michael Bungay Stanier talks about a coaching style versus a management style as we engage with our staff, and when the coaching style is appropriate and actually beneficial. As with anything of value, it takes time and thought, but the results may be worth the effort. He starts with 7 Essential Questions, […]

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  • November 03, 2017

    Cyber Insurance – a loophole you need to know about

    Hacking has hit the headlines in the last years and insurance policies to protect businesses against damage and lawsuits have become a very lucrative business indeed. Your company may already have cyber insurance, and that’s a good thing. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a job to do or that the insurance will cover […]

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  • October 25, 2017

    Field Integrated Time (F.I.T.), Mobile Devices, and Sage 100 Contractor

    In the May issue of Construction Today, there’s an article on ‘The New Age’ of mobile work coming to the construction industry. We’re already helping our clients collect field time from mobile devices, and we’re fully integrated (really!) with Sage 100 Contractor version 20. For many years, we’ve empathized with the office as they try […]

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