This email scam starts by showing your password in the Subject line; that’ll get your attention! The email shows your address in the ’From’ and ’To’ fields. In broken grammar and some words I think they misused, they tell you they’re a hacker and that they have your password. They admit you’ve probably changed it, […]
Full Article.....Hard to believe, but we’re approaching the end of 2018! There’s some planning to be done as we wrap up the financial and payroll year end. Here are a few guidelines. Let’s start with the fiscal year. If you follow the calendar, then December is Period 12, the end of the accounting year. Each month, […]
Full Article..... You may have heard about the security breach experienced by Facebook. In an early October update from ID Agent, a few details were provided. The exploit was a web vulnerability. The risk to Small Businesses was rated as severe; the risk to individuals was rated as moderate. The number of customers impacted? 50 million! […]
Full Article.....Just last week, I received an email from a name I knew and a domain name I didn’t recognize. It said that my Microsoft Outlook Password would expire ‘today’ and I should ‘Click Here’ immediately to fill in the form and correctly submit for validation. Of course I did NOT click anywhere, and neither should […]
Full Article.....Apple goes to great lengths to make its Mac computers secure, and even has secondary protocol in place to limit damage if an attack has been successful. When there’s a malicious action taken, the Mac blocks it and displays an alert or warning. The problem is, hackers have found a way to generate a click […]
Full Article.....Based on the person that suggested this book to me, I expected it to be a scolding for all managers, telling us everything we’re doing wrong and how we’re supposed to make things easier so our employees can be happy. Knowing that we put a lot of effort into providing a great place to work […]
Full Article..... Sage wants everyone on the latest version of the software, always. It’s easier for them to support! With a lot of users hitting it every day, they learn about issues right away, and they can focus their internal training for their support people. So, every year, they tell you that you have to be […]
Full Article.....We’ve seen it a lot in our 30+ years working with contractors— a key person has a medical event or an extended medical leave; the controller is caught re-routing funds to their personal account and is immediately fired; the primary accounting person walks out. Most construction companies run a tight back office. They’re efficient and […]
Full Article.....Many of our clients have taken advantage of the Microsoft Small Business Servers which include Exchange. This has been phased out by Microsoft, and many of these servers are 4 or more years old (ancient in technology [dog] years). You have a couple of options, so you need to get started on some planning: Virtualization […]
Full Article.....Sage ended support of Sage 100 Contractor version 19 back in December 2017. We’ve left this version in our multi-tenant environment to give all our clients time to migrate the v19 datasets (prior years) over to version 20. As of early October 2018, Sage has released version 21 and announced that all 2019 tax updates […]
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