When Textura or a GC Pays Your Subs… We have a client with an exciting new project coming up. Many of their subs will be paid directly through Textura, so the question came up, how to make the entries and run the job in S100C? Great news—S100C is nicely built to handle this very well! […]
Full Article.....As you can imagine, we see a LOT of change as part of our industry. And as we support our clients, we often have a front row seat as they roll out changes; some technology-related, some business-process related, some people related. As I put this together, it was just last year that we were sharing […]
Full Article.....I heard Dr. Cloud speak on the topic of trust during last August’s Global Leadership Summit. Based on the presentation, I ordered the book; glad I did! An opening quote: “While trust often begins with a feeling, it can’t only be based on a feeling… It has to be rooted in more solid, observable, essential […]
Full Article.....DNS Filtering—Great so Far! In mid-2023, we rolled out DNS filtering to ourselves, then when we saw the results, to our clients. In our November 2023 newsletter, we shared a little about this service and what it does. It’s officially part of our service offering to all our fully managed clients. In summary Domain Name […]
Full Article.....For years and years, we have turned in our VISA receipts, the paper receipts, writing on them what the purchase was for and other details. The office would then compile these, taping the smaller ones to pieces of paper, by employee, to match back to the VISA statement. Then when some receipts were electronic, we […]
Full Article.....It’s been a while since we wrote about these, and recently, we had a few clients roll them out without fully understanding what would happen next. This is a nice option for some industries/clients, but it comes with the need for additional changes. The default cost types are 1-Material, 2- Labor (W-2), 3-Equiment, 4-Subcontract, and […]
Full Article.....I don’t know if this is the right place to start (it’s later in the book), but the ‘Drop a Ball’ section really caught my attention. When we juggle so many things, you can drop a ball. Mr. Leak suggests intentionally choosing which ball to set down before dropping any! Then the reminder: some balls […]
Full Article.....The right tool really can make all the difference! No one knows this more than our craftsmen and service professionals. The right trowel; quality brick; quality scaffolding, well built; and in my world, a fast computer with a clear screen! Not only do these components make the best end result, we find ourselves more efficient, […]
Full Article.....S100C: Some Updates We have some time-sensitive updates to share with you, so here we go! Medicare—high-wage earners including owners and sales teams may have additional Medicare deductions once they hit over $200K in wages. This is an additional 0.9% deduction after they hit the ceiling, plus the regular 1.45% deductions. The additional deduct is […]
Full Article.....MDM: Worth a Look MDM stands for Mobile Device Manager. Although not new, this solution has become more mature and is worth a second look. The software allows you to remotely manage and secure mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Use MDM to control settings, policies, and applications on the devices, as well […]
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