This book by Michael Bungay Stanier talks about a coaching style versus a management style as we engage with our staff, and when the coaching style is appropriate and actually beneficial. As with anything of value, it takes time and thought, but the results may be worth the effort. He starts with 7 Essential Questions, […]
Full Article.....Earlier this year, I had the chance to hear and see Sean Stephenson. The first thing he does is address the elephant in the room—he’s confined to a wheel chair, has a rare brittle bone syndrome, needs assistance for everyday tasks, and has a fulfilling and blessed life! It’s really hard to listen to Sean […]
Full Article.....I had the opportunity to hear General McChrystal talk about his experiences and the war on terrorism. We were better funded, better trained, better equipped, but we weren’t winning! This book is eye-opening – not only does it discuss the challenges we faced and are facing waging this battle, it dives into the structures of […]
Full Article.....Last year, our techs read Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni. The setting is a fable surrounding a tech company; we just couldn’t stop talking about it! As a follow up, I recently read Death by Meeting with my accountability group, also by Patrick Lencioni. It follows the same format, opening with a […]
Full Article.....Several years back, I read Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life. It was a great book and very practical. I’ve shared this book with many friends since then, and I still highly recommend it. So when I saw the book Boundaries for Leaders: Results, Relationships, and […]
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