On January 1, 2024, we officially moved our corporation to Arizona and our name was updated to Syscon Information Systems, Inc. Our Illinois corporation has been merged into the Arizona one. We’ve been working on this change for quite a while and have shared a couple of newsletter articles and sent some updates to keep […]
Full Article.....Important Updates Are you traveling out of the country? Let us know so we can open up access while you’re there, then lock it back down when you return. ‘Perpetual Microsoft’ licenses are the old ones you bought years ago. Microsoft is dropping support for these. Use your M365 licenses and upgrade your local computer […]
Full Article.....Whether an introvert or extrovert, human beings are wired for connection. Study after study has shown that new born babies thrive when touched, held, talked to; and don’t when left physically alone. Historically, we live(d) in tribes, communities, neighborhoods, and of course the core family. We’ve identified ourselves with others in worship communities, colleges, social […]
Full Article.....Chris and I were driving to an event sponsored by Professional Women in Construction. He received a solicitation, to his cell phone related to our industry. Chris was polite but said it was his personal cell phone. He also asked how the person got his phone number. That’s where it got interesting. Turns out he […]
Full Article.....This book was recommended by one of our clients (thanks Bill). The focus is how leaders can cut the cost of workplace drama, end entitlement, and drive results; something we’re all looking for! The opening chapters talk about the conventional wisdom which says you should have an open-door policy. This was a huge time drain […]
Full Article.....There are a growing number of laptop users out there. As more and more of us have hybrid work options, we’ve seen a lot more laptop purchases, often to replace a desktop, or consolidate an office desktop and the traveling laptop. With the great Microsoft 365 SharePoint and OneDrive tools, this is easier than ever! […]
Full Article.....As the opening speaker of this August’s Global Leadership Summit (GLS), Craig Groeschel shared another encouraging, and challenging message. I decided to order his latest book. When I first started reading it, I thought it would be a ‘repeat’ of books by Darren Hardy and James Clear, good reminders, but the same. There is some […]
Full Article.....For about a year now, our programming team had a project on the ‘wish’ list regarding our Managed Microsoft 365 offering. How could we determine a baseline that included backups, MFA setup, and a host of our standard configurations across all our M365 customers? Then with that baseline, write a monitoring tool that would tell […]
Full Article.....A few definitions: Status Quo: the existing state of affairs regarding social or political issues; the way things are now; an existing state of affairs. The existing order of things; present customs, practices, and power relationships. Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction; two words or phrases used together […]
Full Article.....This book was recommended to me by a fellow C12 member. Scott has all new hires read this book, and they reference the terminology and structure as they interact with each other. The book is set up as a story; there are the ‘current’ events and ‘three years ago’ to show the original introduction of […]
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