What’s New in MB 15 – Accounts Payable Payment Options

What’s New in MB 15 – Accounts Payable Payment Options

Sage Master Builder version 15 – What’s Changed?

Sage has stepped up the frequency of product upgrades. Many Master Builder users are running version 14. With the release of version 15 at the beginning of 2010, there were several significant changes to various modules and quarterly payroll reports.

As of late August, Sage has released Master Builder version 16. In keeping with their support policy, only two versions are supported at any time. This means that Master Builder versions 15 and 16 will be supported. Companies running version 14 will need to upgrade in the near future. Master Builder can be upgraded from version 14 to version 15. The software can also be upgraded from version 14 to version 16, which has just been shipped. Any upgrade from Sage Master Builder version 14 will include a variety of changes for the users, including Accounts Payable, the Job screen, and Payroll. This is the second in a short series of updates that highlight some of these changes.

Accounts Payable – Credit Card Payment Option (4-7)

This is an entirely new function in Master Builder. The module is designed for more convenient processing credit card statements, including partial payments of a statement and multiple cards on one statement.

Screen 4-7-1, Add/Edit Issuer Account
, allows a credit card to be entered and linked to a specific liability account, rather than the 4-2 screen which posts to the control account for Accounts Payable. This is also the proper screen to enter the remit to address for a credit card issuer. For example if your company has multiple American Express Corporate Cards, American Express is set up as the card issuer with a liability account for American Express. Subsequent steps allow setup of individually issued cards.

Screen 4-7-2, Add/Edit Credit Card
, is where the individual credit cards can be referenced to the card issuer account. If you have three employees that have your American Express Corporate Card, then set up three credit cards all linked to the American Express account set up in the 4-7-1 screen.

Screen 4-7-3, Enter Credit Card Receipts
, is used when entering credit card charges from the receipts turned in by employees. If a vendor is selected when entering the receipt, then both a paid invoice and a journal transaction are created. If no vendor is selected in this screen, then only a journal transaction is created.

Screen 4-7-4, Enter Recurring Charges
, is used to set up transactions that are automatically charged to your credit cards.

Screen 4-7-5, Reconcile Credit Card Statements
– This screen is almost identical to the Bank Reconciliation Screen (1-5). If while reconciling your statement, a credit card receipt is missing when compared to the statement, then select
Add Transaction
to open the 4-7-3 screen and enter.

Screen 4-7-6, Pay Credit Cards
After selecting the credit card issuer, the balances for each card will be displayed. Enter the amount to pay, then save the transaction. If you want to print the check, then enter 0000 in the check number field. Next select print and the Checks/Bank Charges screen will open.

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