The Wisdom House by Rob Parsons

I heard Rob Parsons speak a few years ago and was very moved by his stories. I chose two of his books and have finally dug into this one. The premise is a grandpa who imagines fireside chats with his grandchildren, sharing bits of wisdom at various stages of their lives; ‘you don’t always have to learn the hard way.’

Here are some of the chapter titles: Life’s not fair; Keep on keeping on; Be the change; No regrets; Difficult people; Thieves of joy; An attitude of gratitude; Forgiveness; and there’s more! Each short chapter includes a story from grandpa’s life along with words of wisdom and encouragement. I found myself remembering various experiences in my life. I imagined having some ‘talks’ with my grandkids.  

The final pages have words that were in Mother Theresa’s office. These alone are worth the time and are a great way to end the book. Recommended! – CMW