The Five Attributes: Essentials of Hiring; Book Review | Syscon

The Five Attributes: Essentials of Hiring; Book Review

The Five Attributes: Essentials of Hiring; Book Review

I heard Chad Carter speak at the C12 Currents event in Atlanta, GA in May. The topic was hiring, which seems to be THE hot topic at every event and webinar I attend! Mr. Carter’s career has been focused on hiring; getting the right person in the right role to fit the company. His presentation was great; I bought this book for all of our Leadership team.

Even in the introduction, we are cautioned that this is a process. He says that the number one reason leaders make bad hiring decisions is that they compromise and settle; they don’t have the discipline and tools (and patience) in place to hire the best person for the job. This is an incredibly expensive mistake when you consider out-of-pocket costs, training costs, training time with other staff, the hit to morale, on boarding expenses including IT setup, and all the pieces that make up the hiring process. I strongly recommend this book! – CMW