Replacing Computers

When you replace old computers, we may have programs and other data that is moved from the old computer to the new. In general, we recommend turning off the old computer and setting it aside for 30 days or so, just to be sure you have everything you need from it. During that short time, both computers need antivirus and patch management to stay safe. Then what?

If you plan to re-deploy that old computer to another team member, it should stay on the list of Managed Endpoints (computers) so it stays safe and up-to-date. When the new team member is ready, we can setup the new user fairly quickly and they’ll be up and running.

What if the computer will NOT be redeployed and is actually end-of-life? At the end of the 30-day window, we recommend you give us a call so we can fully remove it from our management platform, pull the hard drive out and destroy it, and recycle the computer (some recycle companies will provide certificates of destruction for the hard drive). This is the only way we know to fully remove the computer, and you can be sure no one tries to put it back in service! —CMW