How Did They Do It? Walsh Electric | Syscon

How Did They Do It? Walsh Electric


Electricity and entrepreneurship run in the Walsh family. Pat Walsh’s grandfather and great grandfather were both electricians and his parents owned their own business as well. Pat Walsh set a personal goal to start his own electrical business by his 30 th birthday. He achieved that goal and has been working hard at growing both the business and developing a new generation of young electricians for over 30 years. Walsh Electric Co., Inc., and Colleen Murphy (Pat Walsh’s sister) have used Sage 100 Contractor (known by many other names over time) for over 20 years as their accounting software. Walsh Electric employs a mix of family and longtime non-family employees to keep things running. They channel their family expertise by staying true to the work they know, which includes grocery stores, airports, medical offices, and shopping centers. Led by an excellent core of employees with 20+ years loyalty, Walsh Electric stays charged up to keep the business running.

Walsh has helped keep their clients running under some extraordinary circumstances. A major grocery chain in the Mid-Atlantic region and longtime Walsh Electric customer, needed help during an ice storm. They called Walsh Electric after losing power to see if there was any way to get power so they could stay open to serve their customers. Walsh was able to deliver a generator and get it powered up. As a result, they were the only grocery store open with power in the city. Since there home base is on the east coast, the area is often subject to tropical storms and hurricanes. Walsh has also provided a generator for a national wholesale club retailer during a hurricane to keep that store open.

Walsh was able to keep working on all projects during the COVID pandemic. Walsh only had two job-based employees with COVID in 2020; notably neither was from workplace contact. They are very proud of their ability to adapt to conditions to keep employees and customers safe. Perhaps the electricity in the Walsh genes insulates against emergencies!

Syscon helps keep Walsh running more efficiently with the Field Integrated Time System. Colleen said it saves her a lot of time. She said they most enjoy that they can call one company that can support both IT and software issues while also providing innovation of processes. Custom reporting tools for Sage 100 Contractor, FIT, Power BI, and OUBP are just a few of the many services that Syscon provides to keep Walsh efficient in the office setting.

Walsh Electric Fast Facts

Full Name: Walsh Electric
Location: Yorktown, VA
Specialty: Commercial Electric
Founded: 1987
Professional Affiliations: Association of General Contractors, New Horizons Apprenticeship Program