With more and more clients in SharePoint and OneDrive, we’ve seen a small bump in the number of users calling in with issues. They are having trouble opening files. When we log on and take a look, more often than not, the file length is too long; there is a limit.
When we move a client from server shares or documents in DropBox or something similar, file lengths are one of the things we check. There is a 256-character limit. The rub is that it’s a total of 256 characters starting with the name of the site, the first folder name, the second level folder name, and so on, plus the name of the file. What we’ve found is that some documents are buried four folders deep AND have long names.
It’s an easy ‘fix’ of course; shorten the name of the file, or move it up a folder level or two.
Secondly, we’ve seen a growing number of people hitting the limits of their local computers. A reminder to delete items from the Recycle Bin, Deleted folders, and Downloads. This usually frees up LOTS of space! – CMW