I’ve heard this before—the person we talk to the most is ourselves! So what are the messages, what are the encouragements, what type of ‘talk’ do we use to ourselves? Mr. Mason makes the point that we often speak to ourselves (usually not out loud!) in a manner we would never use with others. We’re […]
Full Article.....We heard Mr. Linkner speak at an industry evening in Texas. He shared his background as a jazz guitarist, then starting several tech companies, and the dream to rejuvenate Detroit. In the event and in the book, he shares some pretty intriguing stories. He admits these are not the ‘rocket scientists’ but rather everyday people […]
Full Article.....I heard Dr. Cloud speak on the topic of trust during last August’s Global Leadership Summit. Based on the presentation, I ordered the book; glad I did! An opening quote: “While trust often begins with a feeling, it can’t only be based on a feeling… It has to be rooted in more solid, observable, essential […]
Full Article.....I don’t know if this is the right place to start (it’s later in the book), but the ‘Drop a Ball’ section really caught my attention. When we juggle so many things, you can drop a ball. Mr. Leak suggests intentionally choosing which ball to set down before dropping any! Then the reminder: some balls […]
Full Article.....I started reading the book and shared the premise with Chris, he ordered it, loved it, then ordered it for several of his team members, as well. The book is written in the Patrick Lencioni-style in the form of a story. In Part I, there is a great quote: “You can’t make headway solving problems […]
Full Article.....There are quite a few assessments out there: Meyers-Briggs, DiSC, and more. It seems Mr. Lencioni has taken this up one more level. In addition to identifying how you’re wired, where you gain fulfillment, where you can excel, this system also assesses what type of work (personal or business) brings the most frustration, drains you […]
Full Article.....I heard Mr. McManus speak during the Global Leadership Summit; what a passionate person! As the title of his new book implies, he calls for a shift in our thinking. This book is about personal growth and your responsibility for who you are, and who you want to be(come). It starts with a decision to […]
Full Article.....This book was recommended by one of our clients (thanks Bill). The focus is how leaders can cut the cost of workplace drama, end entitlement, and drive results; something we’re all looking for! The opening chapters talk about the conventional wisdom which says you should have an open-door policy. This was a huge time drain […]
Full Article.....As the opening speaker of this August’s Global Leadership Summit (GLS), Craig Groeschel shared another encouraging, and challenging message. I decided to order his latest book. When I first started reading it, I thought it would be a ‘repeat’ of books by Darren Hardy and James Clear, good reminders, but the same. There is some […]
Full Article.....This book was recommended to me by a fellow C12 member. Scott has all new hires read this book, and they reference the terminology and structure as they interact with each other. The book is set up as a story; there are the ‘current’ events and ‘three years ago’ to show the original introduction of […]
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