
  • August 19, 2024

    Book Review: The 6 Types of Working Genius

    There are quite a few assessments out there: Meyers-Briggs, DiSC, and more. It seems Mr. Lencioni has taken this up one more level. In addition to identifying how you’re wired, where you gain fulfillment, where you can excel, this system also assesses what type of work (personal or business) brings the most frustration, drains you […]

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  • August 01, 2024

    Mind Shift: Book Review

    I heard Mr. McManus speak during the Global Leadership Summit; what a passionate person!  As the title of his new book implies, he calls for a shift in our thinking. This book is about personal growth and your responsibility for who you are, and who you want to be(come). It starts with a decision to […]

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  • June 28, 2024

    Book Review: No Ego

    This book was recommended by one of our clients (thanks Bill). The focus is how leaders can cut the cost of workplace drama, end entitlement, and drive results; something we’re all looking for! The opening chapters talk about the conventional wisdom which says you should have an open-door policy. This was a huge time drain […]

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  • June 13, 2024

    Book Review: The Power to Change

    As the opening speaker of this August’s Global Leadership Summit (GLS), Craig Groeschel shared another encouraging, and challenging message. I decided to order his latest book. When I first started reading it, I thought it would be a ‘repeat’ of books by Darren Hardy and  James Clear, good reminders, but the same. There is some […]

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  • April 24, 2024

    The Collaborative Way: Book Review

    This book was recommended to me by a fellow C12 member. Scott has all new hires read this book, and they reference the terminology and structure as they interact with each other. The book is set up as a story; there are the ‘current’ events and ‘three years ago’ to show the original introduction of […]

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  • February 29, 2024

    Unoffendable: Book Review

    Wow! I’d like to make this short book required reading for every school, university student, and everyone considering marriage, everywhere! The focus is that we look inside and think about how we view others, view our circumstances, and how we choose to ‘read’ others’ actions. It’s a quick read, but there is much to keep […]

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  • January 18, 2024

    Crazy Is a Compliment: Book Review

    In a vendor event, Lindsey recommended this as one of her favorite books. The opening quote is, ‘If people aren’t calling you crazy, you aren’t thinking big enough.’ Well said! The author runs a company that encourages and nurtures entrepreneurs all over the world. Sometimes it’s funding, but often it’s encouraging, finding resources, and negotiating […]

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  • November 15, 2023

    Cues: Book Review

    I heard Ms. Van Edwards speak at the Global Leadership Summit last Summer. Based on that presentation, I decided to order the book, and I’m glad I did. The opening chapter starts with some visual cues from a Shark Tank episode. There were cues the entrepreneur missed and cues he sent that he probably didn’t […]

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  • October 18, 2023

    If You Want Something Done: Book Review

    Before anyone gets mad at me, I’d like to state for the record that Larry recommended this book to me! This isn’t a ‘complaining’ or an ‘I’m better than you’ book. The women featured include many names from history, as well as a few ‘everyday’ heroes. The book’s title is a take on a Margaret […]

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  • August 09, 2023

    Reset: Book Review

    During the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in August, I heard Mr. Taylor speak—a powerful message, insightful and a call to action. Based on that experience, I dove into his latest book. This book is focused on Human Resources and makes the argument to put the ‘Human’ back in the title. No surprise he feels companies […]

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