Bridging the Soft Skills Gap – Book Review

Bridging the Soft Skills Gap – Book Review

I find this title irritating, mostly because it implies that I’m responsible to teach the ‘soft skills’ if I expect them from our staff. But if I grew up with them, what’s changed? Well, Mr. Tulgan starts with this question, and answers it pretty well.

As each chapter unfolds, there are sections where he clearly lays out the two points of view. He also gives some important historical background for each generation that we find in the workplace right now. Our view of soft skills and our responsibilities to use them in society and the workplace are formed not only by world events, but by the generation that raised us. In other words, we have some culpability when it comes to the soft skills gap in the next generation.

The best part about this book is the lesson plans. Each skill is defined, given context as to why it is needed in the work place, steps to introduce it to our younger workers (and some of the older ones, too), then its practical application in the work place. I’ve got yellow highlights all over this book! Positive Attitude, Responsibility, Good Work Habits, and more. This is reality, so dig in and get started!  – CMW