Sharon Orr, Vice President, Finanace and Administration, at Notch Mechanical Constructors tells of her expirence with Syscon’s support through a Cryptolocker Virus attack on their network.
“A destructive, file locking virus is one of the worst nightmares for companies in this day and age. In an office with over 20 people who are performing accounting, bidding, sales, safety and scheduling operations all via the computer, not having access to files can be a significant hardship, never mind realizing that not only are you down, but you are actively under attack and potentially losing all your files and active data. We were attacked by the Cryptolocker virus a mere 2 days after converting from a traditional onsite server to a hosted server environment. Syscon was to be our new IT provider for service, troubleshooting, workstation maintenance and all things IT and we had worked with them up to that moment for a total of 5 minutes! The virus came through our payables department and hit 3 people simultaneously. We didn’t even know what hit us until our Syscon contact started looking into it and told us the bad news. Fortunately, along with the bad news, they brought experience, knowledge and good news.
They held our hands the entire step of the way, providing an avenue to keep our accounting department working and internet up and running separate from the virus files. They then worked 24 hours a day eliminating the virus and ensuring our data was clean. This could have been a major bump in the road as we transitioned to the cloud and with Syscon’s expertise and response time, my people were given options and left with a feeling that this is being handled and we would be back to business as usual in no time – and that’s exactly what happened.
I often wonder what would have happened had we not just transitioned to the cloud and had the virus attack us while we still had the old on premises server with the standard backup – the resolution would not have come close to what Syscon was able to provide. I doubt the backups would have been sufficient to get us up and running without redoing many days of work. This event turned out to be the best demonstration of why moving to the hosting environment with Syscon was the right choice for us.”
Sharon R. Orr